P2P Inovaçao, 2017, n°2, vol.3, 20 p. - Site de revista.ibict.br
Resumo : "Esta investigação identifica e analisa as dimensões econômicas, ambientais e sociais que podem impulsionar a certificação “Fair Trade” na Cooperativa Agroextrativista Veneza do Marajó (COPAVEM), São Sebastião da Boa Vista/PA. A metodologia adotada foi um estudo de caso, sendo utilizados dados primários obtidos a partir de questionários aplicados junto a 20 produtores, entrevista abertas com os cooperados e dados secundários, no qual se procedeu à análise documental de relatórios institucional. O estudo verificou a existência de relação entre processo de certificação Fair trade, com as dimensões da sustentabilidade. Conclui-se que quando a cooperativa adapta seus procedimentos visando atender aos requisitos para obter a certificação, promove aos cooperados o conhecimento sobre as dimensões da sustentabilidade, e estes são aplicados em suas propriedades."
Journal on Food System Dynamics, 2017, n°2, vol.8, 10 p. - Site de centmapress.ilb.uni-bonn.de
Abstract : "The current study investigate s the significance and power of direct and indirect effects of values and attitudes on intention to buy fair trade products and on self-reported behaviors. Drawing on previous research, we selected three attitudinal measures – Consciousness for Fair Consumption, Environmental Concern, Moral Reasoning –and two categories of human values, Power and Universalism. Through a web-based survey conducted in Italy we collected data analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Results showed that Universalism exerted a positive indirect effect on buying fair traded products while Power exerted a negative effect. Therefore, according to Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991), the intention was the only direct antecedent of behavior."
Boycotting, Buycotting, and the Psychology of Political Consumerism
Intervention à l’atelier de travail American Politics Workshop at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017/03, 35 p. - Site de journals.uchicago.edu
Abstract : "Political consumerism refers to the intentional avoidance or purchase of products due to political, social, or ethical concerns. The intentional avoidance (boycotting) and the intentional purchase (buycotting) of products have be gun to receive increasing attention in the political science literature. In this paper, we offer a conceptual framework for understanding and disentangling boycotting and buycotting, based on a psychological framework of avoidance and approach, respectively. Doing so provides us with further conceptual leverage for arguing for the distinctiveness of boycotting with in the repertoire of political participation. We design and execute two original survey experiments to identify the differential effects of negative and positive information in inducing boycotting and buycotting, respectively. In both studies, we find that negative information is far more powerful in inducing boycotting than positive information is in inducing buycotting."
Organic Coffee Supply Chain Management in the San Martin Region of Peru
International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 2017/02, n°1, vol.8, 8 p. - Site de ijimt.org
Abstract : "The paper is to explore a model of supply chain management organic coffee in San Martin Region, which was by a long-term research project for organic coffee supply chain management in Peru. The investigation was consolidated with items of researchers who have experiences in the evaluation and analysis of the supply chain of agricultural products worldwide ; on the other hand, it is also taken into account the risks affecting the development and fluency through whole supply chain. The contributions here is proposed model of supply chain management organic coffee is suitable for exploring external and internal problems encountered decrease the efficiency of the supply chain. The model is important to analyze and require observations of specialists to collaborate to perform basic modeling that can help solve the problems that improving processes and organizations in the coffee farmers’ cooperatives in the domestic and foreign market, and achieve recognition for their quality and sustainability in Peru."
God, Robin Hood, and the Uber Woman : Fair Trade Narratives in Christian Publications
Journalism and Mass Communication, 2017/01, n°1, vol. 7, 16 p. - Site de davidpublisher.org
"Since its origins as a grassroots movement in the 1960s, the fair trade movement has found a consistent, reliable base of support from various Christian churches, ministries, and organizations. This article reviews coverage of fair trade in several of the most prominent, U.S. - based Christian publications between 2006 and 2016 to identify the distinct ways in which Christian themes and language are interpolated within broader framings of fair trade. In particular, it addresses certain tensions between Christian concepts like “globalmissions” and “evangelism” in relation to a market – driven framing of fairtrade as a Robin Hood - like means of redistributing income from the consuming [global) North to producers in the South. The article also describes the unique rôle of gender throughout the coverage in these publications. Finally, it explains how a particularly pro- capitalist Protestant formulation described as “Calvinist social piety” informs the ways in which Christian publications frame fairtrade."
Eco‐Premium or Eco‐Penalty ? Eco‐labels and quality in the organic wine market
DELMAS, Magali ; LESSEM, Neil - UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and Economics ; Anderson School of Management, 2014/07, 55 p. - Site de escholarship.org
Abstract : "Eco-labels are part of a new wave of environmental policy that emphasizes information disclosure as a tool to induce environmentally friendly behaviors by both firms and consumers. Eco-labels are often developed by third-parties separate to the industries that produce and sell the eco-product to create credibility. The goal of these agencies is to reduce the information asymmetry between producers and consumers over the environmental attributes of a good. However, by focusing on this information asymmetry, rather than howthe label meets consumer needs, agencies may develop eco-labels that send an irrelevant, confusing or detrimental message to consumers. In a discrete choice experiment we examine two similar eco-labels for wine, one associated with a quality reduction and the other not. The majority of respondents in our study were unaware of the difference between the labels. We found that respondents preferred eco-labeled wines over an otherwise identical counterpart, when the price was low and the wine was from a low quality region. However these preferences were reversed if the wine was expensive and from a high quality region. These results indicate that respondents obtain some warm glow value from eco-labeled wine, but also interpret it as a signal of low quality. This provides a clear lesson for policy makers that focusing purely on information asymmetries will not necessarily create eco-labels that align eco-products with the needs of consumers."
Coffee and Identity : Marketing to a University Campus
University of British Columbia, 2016, 18 p. - Site de open.library.ubc.ca
Abstract : "Branding plays a large role in the consumers they draw in as well as the audience to which they market (Bookman, 2013). Our research took this concept and extended it to the UBC Brand of Fair Trade Coffee with the intention of marketing Fair Trade successfully to UBC students. Our research questions whether coffee is rooted in identity, and whether it is a factor that influences UBC students’ desire to purchase fair trade coffee. In our study, we surveyed 102 UBC students who self-identified as coffee drinkers. In our control condition, participants chose between sleeves with a Starbucks logo, a Tim Hortons logo, or the current UBC Fair Trade logo. In the experimental condition, participants were asked to choose between the sleeves with a Starbucks logo, a Tim Hortons logo, and a newly designed Fair Trade coffee sleeve with an original ‘UBC Thunderbirds’ logo. We associated the students’ sense of identity with the Thunderbird logo and hypothesized that this fair trade coffee brand would increase likelihood that students should choose fair trade coffee. After reviewing the results, our hypothesis was disconfirmed, as people were less likely to choose the UBC Thunderbirds sleeve in comparison to the control condition."
TINOCO CHAVELAS, Maria Magdalena - Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, 2017, 101 p. - Site de tesis.ipn.mx
Abstract : "The development and promotion of organic and fair trade products in the world has become particularly important because, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards the preference to consume healthy food, this preference has been generated by several factors, among the increase in food-related diseases, the controversy over genetically modified organisms, concern for sustainable development and, on the other hand, the ravages of the current globalized economy in small-scale food producers’ organizations. Currently, the most developed countries are the largest demanders and producers worldwide, however, México has presented a significant growth in organic exports, driven largely by private initiatives, and to a lesser extent mainly in the south of the country. Has increased the incursion of food producing organizations such as honey and coffee in the so-called fair trade movement. Given this situation, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation of the sustainable growth of organic and fair trade products compared to conventional production. In the present case study, a qualitative and quantitative research was carried out, which allowed to analyze the situation of organic and fair trade products at the global and national levels. In addition, semi-structured interviews with two groups of beekeepers allowed a knowledge from different perspectives on the differences and similarities around organic production and fair trade of honey and conventional production, in both cases carried out by Small producers in the town of Yecapixtla in the state of Morelos, and then make proposals to establish a vision and direction of production of organic honey and fair trade by small producers."
La producción de banano bajo el sistema de comercio justo : un análisis del caso ecuatoriano
BORJA, Juan - Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2015, n°1, vol.3, 4 p. - Site de revistadigital.uce.edu.ec
Resumen : « Este trabajo analiza el comercio justo de banano en Ecuador. Esta modalidad de comercialización ha permitido a los productores campesinos organizados obtener mejores ingresos económicos que los campesinos que comercializan la fruta a través del sistema tradicional. El comercio justo está también asociado con la disminución en la aplicación de insumos y el uso de tecnologías que causan menor impacto al ambiente. Las potencialidades y limitaciones de la comercialización alternativa se discuten a través del texto. »
MORALES OBANDO, Maria Elizabeth - Universidad Privada Antenor, Orrego Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Escuela Profesional de Ciencias de la Comunicación, 2016, 215 p. - Site de repositorio.upao.edu.pe
Resumen : « El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo diseñar estrategias de marketing internacional para comercializar quinua en China para la empresa Campo Verde. La metodología estuvo basada en las herramientas estratégicas como el PEST, EFI, EFE, Diamante de Porter y cadena de valor permitieron recoger la información sobre macroentorno, microentorno, el mercado y las capacidades in ternas. Los resultados demostraron que : 1. China cuenta con un entorno favorable para la inversión extranjera, un ambiente político estable, además de ser un mercado demandante de productos naturales y nutritivos. 2. La empresa Campo Verde cuenta con eslabones que generan valor como el aprovisionamiento, desarrollo tecnológico, operaciones, logística externa y marketing y ventas, y fortalezas coherentes con una organización fuerte para la comercialización de quinua. 3. El consumidor chino prefiere productos saludables por encima del factor precio ; sin embargo, tiene un bajo conocimiento de las propiedades de la quinua. 4. En la estrategia se determinó que Campo Verde oferte un producto bajo la marca de ―INTIKANPU‖ dirigida a un nicho de mercado ubicado en las cuatro ciudades más importantes de China con ingresos altos y con un estilo de vida saludable. »