Fine Chocolate, Resistance, and Political Morality in the Marketplace
McCABE, Maryann - Journal of Business Anthropology (Denmark), 2015, vol.4, n°1, pp. 1-28, 28 p. - Site de
Abstract : "This article takes the case of fine chocolate to explore resistance in the consumer practice of buying branded products labeled fair trade. Ethnographic research conducted in the US, Europe and Japan at two different points in time indicates that moral satisfaction now joins sensual enjoyment in consumer appreciation of fine chocolate. The article examines social processes shaping fine chocolate into a morally compelling one based on use of fair labor in producing cocoa beans. Looking at the cocoa commodity chain reveals how the marketplace is a locus for challenging status quo. Fine chocolate was transformed from deterritorialize product perceived to come from chocolatiers in West European countries like Belgium and France to reterritorialized product connected to cocoa bean growers in tropical regions of the world. I argue that resistance is not equated with free will located within the individual as an autonomous actor but constitutes a form of agency distributed in an assemblage. Consumers are enmeshed in assemblages that have force or momentum. Examining movements in the fine chocolate assemblage (including chocolate lovers and their senses, chocolate products, producers along the commodity chain, and institutional discourse from media, government and industry) identifies a trajectory of change and correspondence between ethical concern and sensual enjoyment."
Université de Louvain, Département de la terre et des Sciences de l’Environnement – Bioeconomics Working Papers Series, Working Paper 2015/03 – 2015/03, 28 p. - Site de
Abstract : "Private sustainability standards are spreading rapidly in the agrifood sector and are especially important in trade with developing countries. In this paper we analyze the impact of sustainability standards in the smallholder coffee sector in Ethiopia. We look at Fairtrade, Organic and Rainforest Alliance certification in a comparative way. We use cross -sectional survey data from a sample of 427 coffee farmers in the Jimma and Kaffa zones of Ethiopia, with all sampled farmers being member of a coffee cooperative. We analyze the impact of certification to different standards on poverty, income, yield and farm gate prices in order to unravel the channels of possible poverty reducing effects. We use logit, tobit and OLS regression models and attempt to control for cooperative level heterogeneity. We find that Rainforest Alliance certification improves rural income by 72% and reduces the incidence and depth of poverty by 25% and 31% respectively while Fairtrade and Organic certification have no effect. We find that the positive effect of Rainforest Alliance mainly comes from a large impact on producer prices that offsets a negative impact on yields. Also, Fairtrade certification is found to lead to higher producer prices, but to a much smaller extent than Rainforest Alliance, and the price effect does not lead to an overall effect on farmers’ income and poverty reduction."
BARA, Claudia ; PEREZ AKAKI, Pablo - Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí (Mexico), Agricultura, Sociedad y Desarollo, 2015/01, vol. 12, n°1, 28 p. - Site de
Abstract : "The objective of this study was to analyze the current markets for conventional coffee versus alternative coffee that is produced in México and consumed in Germany, and to identify opportunities and challenges in alternative – particularly organic and fair trade – coffee production, consumption and trade in and between the two countries. For this purpose, 18 interviews were conducted in México, with cooperatives or other organizations that promote and commercialize organic and/or fair trade coffee. The results show that the organic, fair trade and combined organic, fair trade production and certification system face too many challenges, such as social organization, administrative regulations, need for working capital, which must be overcome in order to benefit from these growing alternative markets in coffee consuming countries like Germany, where prices are better, social recognition exists, and consumer loyalty is constructed."
Le commerce équitable entre principes et réalisations : le cas du secteur oléicole tunisien
A Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment, 2013/03, vol.12, n°1, pp. 13-21, 9 p. - Site de
Résumé : « Le commerce équitable est une initiative de développement durable pour les pays du Sud, qui favorise l’amélioration des composantes sociale, économique et environnementale. L’étude de cas du commerce équitable de l’huile d’olive biologique dans la région de Mansoura, en Tunisie, a pour objectif de comparer les principes aux réalisations sur le terrain. Une analyse quantitative et une analyse qualitative sont donc présentées. L’étude est complétée par une analyse SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) qui permet de mettre en évidence les forces, les faiblesses, les opportunités et les menaces de l’expérience examinée. Les résultats révèlent quelques écarts entre les principes et objectifs du commerce équitable et leurs réalisations. Ces écarts sont principalement d’ordre économique et social ; par contre, pour la dimension environnementale, le degré d’accomplissement est très satisfaisant. Les résultats issus du SWOT conduisent à proposer une série de stratégies d’amélioration qui visent à tirer le maximum de profit, rétablir les points forts, surveiller étroitement la concurrence et à contourner les difficultés. »
Fair Trade impact and the price fetish
COSTANTINO, Marco – Università degli Studi di Bari (Italia), Dipartimento di Scienze Geografiche e Merceologiche, AICCON, Working Papers, 2013/07, n°122, 20 p. - Site de
Abstract : “We here present the main final results coming from four different on – the field fair trade impact studies, confronting them with the most recent literature and deriving some useful conclusions for the fair trade movement. Our impact studies suggest that fair trade does have a positive impact on the life of its beneficiaries. But this happens not much in the most expected way, that is through the price premium, but rather by the effect of other “monetary but not price related” and “non monetary” criteria applied in the fair trade relationship. This result looks coherent with Sen’s capabilities theory, depicting fair trade as a kind of commercial relationship able to increase producers’ capabilities and, consequently, their inclusion in the market”.
MORUZZI, Romina - Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore ; Sup Agro Montpellier Thèse de doctorat, 2013, 700 p. - Site de
Résumé : « Cette étude vise à explorer les paradoxes existants dans l’offre durable de produits alimentaires et, les comportements adoptés par les consommateurs percevant ces paradoxes. Le modèle théorique retenu est celui de Mick et Fournier (1998), initialement construit pour étudier les paradoxes des technologies modernes et adapté au cadre de l’Alimentation Durable. Une enquête qualitative a été menée auprès de 84 consommateurs ordinaires en France et en Italie. Puis 18 sujets participants à l’AMAP, ou à des Associations de Consommateurs, ont été interviewés. Les entretiens semi-directifs réalisés ont permis une exploration des paradoxes perçus et des stratégies de coping adoptées selon deux moments : avant l’adoption d’un choix durable et lors du choix durable (Lazarus et Folkman, 1984). Enfin nous avons essayé de dégager des caractéristiques spécifiques à l’égard des deux pays : la France et l’Italie, soit liées aux facteurs structurels (ex. marché de produits alimentaires durables) soit des éléments culturels, ainsi que par rapport aux consommateurs grâce à la proposition de profils types. Pourtant ce travail a des objectifs théoriques, c’est-à-dire de vérifier la présence de paradoxes à l’égard de l’offre alimentaire durable ; puis méthodologiques en adaptant le modèle de Mick et Fournier au cadre spécifique de recherche ; enfin pratiques en mettant en lumière des éléments qui freinent le développement de l’offre durable actuelle. »
HERAULT FOURNIER, Catherine – Centre International d’Etudes Supérieures en Sciences Agronomiques, École doctorale, Spécialité Marketing, 2014/04, 193 p. - Site de
Résumé : « La recherche d’une « plus grande proximité » avec le consommateur n’est pas qu’une formule à la mode désignant un phénomène conjoncturel, comme en témoigne l’utilisation récurrente de ce concept dans différents champs des sciences humaines pour analyser les relations interpersonnelles, inter-entreprises ou entre clients et fournisseurs. L’objectif de ce travail doctoral est de spécifier le concept de proximité perçue du point de vue du marketing et d’analyser son rôle dans la gestion de la relation du client au point de vente. Cette recherche, menée, dans le cadre spécifique de la vente directe de produits alimentaires, démontre l’intérêt théorique et managérial du concept de proximité. »
Préparation d’une intervention lors du colloque “Consumer Behavior in a Changing World” (Naples, 25-27 mars 2015), 30 p. - Site de
Abstract : "High prole cases of exploitative labor practices have increased concerns over agricultural working conditions. However, it is unclear whether and to what extent the public is willing to trade-o fair working conditions for higher prices and food imports. We implement a large-scale survey to uncover Greek consumer preferences for a food labeling system that certies fair working conditions for the workers employed at all production stages of agricultural production. Empirical findings from several disciplines suggest that results from contingent valuation surveys can be susceptible to hypothetical bias, social desirability bias, and lack of consequentiality. To test these issues, we use the cheap talk’ method (Kling et al.,2012), Lusk and Norwood’s (2009b) Inferred Valuation (IV) method and the consequentiality scripts employed in Vossler and Evans (2009 ) and Vossler and Watson (2013). We also test predictions of reference dependent theory by testing whether framing the valuation question as an Equivalent Loss’ (EL) di ers from classical Willingness-to-pay elicitation’ (WTP). We collected responses from more than 3,800 consumers in the cities of Athens and Ioannina in Greece. Our results show that neither the cheap talk nor the consequentiality script had any e ect on elicited valuations. In contrast, the IV method appears to mitigate social desirability bias. We also nd that values elicited under WTP are larger than values elicited under EL, which rejects neoclassical preferences. When social desirability is taken out of our estimates, we nd that consumers are willing to pay an average premium of 72 cents/Kg for strawberries with fair labor certication, which is equivalent to 49% of current market prices."
Human Trafficking and Tourism Case : Thailand in the Media
HEIKKINENE, Reetta Aliina – Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Degree Programme in Tourism, 2015/05, 42 p. - Site de
"The subject of the thesis is the connections between human trafficking and tourism, the case being sex tourism in Thailand and the media observations regarding it. The goals of the thesis are to clarify the subject from multiple points of views and make a structured analysis of the past, the present and the future of the matter. The methods used for the thesis are the following ; qualitative approach to evaluate the structured media observations, statistical analysis and interview material. The research material varies from statistics from multiple sources to different media observations to interview material. The results of the thesis consist of the structured analysis of media and its impacts, evaluating existing good practices and viewing a holistic picture of the case."
[Formulación de Propuestas para Avanzar Hacia la Creación de Políticas Públicas Favorables al Desarrollo del Comercio Justo en Chile->
Universidad Academia de Humanismo Christiano, Escuela de Gobierno y Gestion Publica (Santiago, Chili), 2014/07, 94 p. - Site de
« … Producto de los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación, podemos realizar recomendaciones orientadas al desarrollo del Comercio Justo en Chile. Para ello, se debe posicionar a Chile como un mercado solidario, profesionalizando y acreditando la actividad de comercio alternativo a través de productos de calidad, innovadores y competitivos. Evitando a los intermediarios y especuladores del mercado, tema que es necesario abordar como sociedad en su conjunto a través de políticas públicas determinadas por parte del estado. Para esto, es necesario contar con capacitación para los productores, desarrollar tecnología a los procesos de producción e incorporar diseños característicos a los productos. Por otra parte, se debe revisar las políticas arancelarias, generando una diferenciación con los productos provientes del Comercio Justo. Para tales efectos, este estudio propone generar un arancel cero para los productos que cumplan con los estándares internacionales de Comercio Justo, lo cual contribuiría a potenciar la expansión de estos productores y mejorar comercialización respecto de los productos provenientes del comercio tradicional. Con esta medida se sostiene la posibilidad de posicionar al país como una marca que respete e incorpore el CJ en su actividad productiva. Para llevar a cabo estas recomendaciones y que el Estado vea al Comercio Justo como una oportunidad de inclusión social, es fundamental la promoción de políticas públicas concretas. Finalmente, estas debiesen incluir procesos de participación social y que se basen en la promoción y el desarrollo del comercio bajo los principios de un comercio solidario. En consecuencia es necesario contar con un diseño de programas y planes nacionales gubernamentales, que contribuyan al mejoramiento económico, social y cultural de los productores y artesanos de Comercio Justo… »