Acquisitions - Décembre 2014

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Clarifier les dimensions socio-économiques et politiques de l’agroécologie : au - delà des principes, des compromis ?

DUMONT, Antoinette ; STASSART, Pierre M. ; VANLOQUEREN, Gaëtan, 2014/11, 23 p. - Site de

Étude de deux structures belges travaillant en agroécologie : Grosses légumes, un réseau de ménages qui organisent la production et la distribution de paniers de légumes, et Agribio, une coopérative céréalière qui transforme sa production en pain, pâtes, muesli, viennoiseries et organise la commercialisation de ses produits. Ces deux cas concrets illustrent l’écart qui existe entre les principes de base de l’agroécologie et la réalité concrète.


Fair Trade and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) as Middle Class Social Movements in Hong Kong

WIJK, Sheilla van – University of Queensland (Australia), School of Social Science, Thèse pour l’obtention du titre de Docteur en philosophie, 2013, 302 p. - Site de

Abstract : « This thesis seeks to understand why certain segments of the Hong Kong middle class are choosing to mobilize around issues of Fair Trade and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). It utilizes a case study approach to address the key research question as to why these social phenomena have arisen in such an unlikely setting as Hong Kong, one of the world’s most capitalist and urbanized societies. In addition, the thesis interrogates whether the alternative food networks (AFNs) of Fair Trade and CSA can be considered new social movements (NSMs) by examining the extent to which they engage with NSM theories. It explores how issues of identity, ideology and morality intersect and influence the lifestyles and practices of the participants and suggests that these members of the middle class may, indeed, constitute a new social category in Hong Kong. »



Analysis of Price and Industry Dynamics of Sustainable and Specialty Coffee in Costa Rica]

KILIAN, Bernard ; RIVERA, Lloyd – Journal of Agriculture Science and Technology, 2014/05, 11 p.

Abstract : Volatility of commodity prices has affected dramatically the coffee industry in recent years, particularly small holder farmers. Differentiation of coffee through certification, such as sustainability and quality attributes, has been proposed as a strategy for protection of the farmers against volatility in the international prices. This research paper evaluated three different models to explore the effectiveness of the differentiation strategies in protecting the farmer against price volatility in recent years, focusing on the case of Costa Rica. Evidence showed important differences in the price dynamics over time when comparing three groups of coffee.


Fair Trade Institutionalization : Disembedding A Social Movement

CHADI, Inès – Université de Louvain, Ecole des Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Master in Political Sciences, International Relations, 2012/08, 147 p. - Site de

« This Master Degree thesis discusses the development of the fair trade movement from having been a politically rooted social movement to becoming institutionalized and conforming to present homogenizing trade structures. Using Karl Polanyi’s Double Movement theory I argue that the fair trade movement has developed from being an embedded counter movement to neoliberal policies, into a disembedded trade structure, similar to the one it was trying to fight. I illuminate the complexity of the fair trade movement’s institutionalization with support of findings from my field study at the Mexican coffee cooperative Comon Yaj Nop Tic. Concluding that through standardized fair trade certifications and the incorporation of multinational corporations into the fair trade system, it has created a split of the movement into two parallel fair trade movements : one embedded and one disembedded. »



Análisis de Ventajas y Oportunidades que le Proporciona el Sello Fairtrade a las Artesanías en Cerámica de la Región de Pitalito (Huila), Colombia, Para el Ingreso al Mercado de la Ciudad de Miami (Florida), Estados Unidos

NOVOA CARRILLO, Diego Javier – Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia), Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y administrativas, 2013, 51 p. - Site

Abstract : “The export market for Colombian crafts has been growing steadily in recent years, especially to the United States. However, it continues to see absolute poverty in the Colombian artisan community that is why, to ensure that our craftsmen will grow in the same way that the exports have been growing it is necessary to implement the Fair Trade model to this market. So the question arises : How to internationalize ceramic crafts from the region of Pitalito (Huila), Colombia, to Miami (Florida), United States, through a Fair Trade model ? This is why I intend to developing this project the Fair Trade system in our country, from one of the most recognized Colombian products abroad : the ceramic handicrafts made in the region of Pitalito, Huila. To this end, there will be an accreditation scheme for artisans society from Pitalito "Asociación de Artesanos del Sur del Huila (Artisans Association of Southern Huila)" for their products made in ceramic to carry the Fairtrade label and export their products under the sponsorship of this stamp because in the United States is the most recognized seal, all this in order to obtain a realization of a sustainable fair trade”.



Market Incentives and International Volunteers : The Development and Evaluation of Fair Trade Learning

HARTMAN, Eric ; CHAIRE, Cassandra – Missouri State University (États-Unis), 2014, 38 p. - Site de

Introduction : “As a component of university international education programming, international volunteerism and global community engagement by university students and faculty are on the rise. While the benefits to student learning related to this kind of programming have been well researched, community impact is rarely assessed. This article considers the community impact of these practices. The evaluation process piloted here grew from a civil society articulation of Fair Trade Learning (FTL), which aspires to ensure community concerns are at the center of community-engaged international education efforts. We begin by clarifying the development of this FTL ideal while documenting the need for it within the international education and international volunteerism sectors. We then situate FTL within the relevant service-learning, international volunteerism, tourism, and international development literature before demonstrating how research on domestic university-community partnerships (Stoecker & Tryon, 2009) led us to develop a mixed methods evaluation of those partnerships in four different locations around the world. We close by discussing the results and sharing implications for FTL, volunteerism, and global university-community engagement”.


Exploring Fair Trade Yerba Mate Networks in Misiones, Argentina

SMITH, Franklin – University of Miami, Thèse pour obtenir le Degree of Master of Arts, 2014, 104 p. - Site de

“This explores the recent growth of Fair Trade yerba mate networks in Misiones, Argentina. It is a qualitative descriptive study, researching an area presently untouched by academic scholarship. The investigation first offers a historical background of production practices and labor relations within the yerba mate sector. It also examines various theoretical considerations that both problematize and support Fair Trade commodities. A commodity chain approach is used to understand the different value adding processes that yerba mate is exposed to as it moves along nodes of harvesting, drying, milling, distribution, and consumption. Results are based on a month-long study of three different cases in Misiones, conducted during August 2014. Findings show that these Fair Trade yerba mate networks are heterogeneous and informed by pre-existing social and economic structures ; in spite of this, organizations adopt similar strategies to increase impact and ensure commercial success. The future of these organizations lies in their continued ability to circumvent the oligopolistic yerba mate sector in Misiones, their increased use of value-adding mechanisms, and further capacity to appeal to consumers in international markets”.



Sustentabilidade a Portuguesa : Há Bitos de Consumo

REBELLO DA SILVA, Claudia Isabel – Universidade Lusofona do Porto (Portugal), Mestrado em Marketing e Publicidade, 2014, 70 p. - Site de

Résumo : “As famílias da atualidade, associadas ao consumismo e ao materialismo, têm hoje uma pesada herança ambiental fruto dos excessos económicos e sociais. Segundo a Comissão Mundial sobre o Meio Ambiente (1987) tornase necessário “lançar a pedra fundamental dos debates internacionais sobre diversas questões ambientais até então irrefletidas, ensejando a vinculação necessária sobre a proteção conjunta de direitos interdependentese relacionados, como a vida humana e o seu desenvolvimento, a poluição e o esgotamento dos recursos não renováveis”. Emvários países, incluindo Portugal, existem fatores que contribuem para tal esgotamento, tais como a mudança climática, a poluição do ar e a produção de resíduos, colocando assim as famílias no centro do problema, pelo efeito multiplicador das suas atitudes e comportamentos. Esta àrea do consumo sustentável das famílias tem vindo a receber um aumento de pesquisas resultando numa série de critérios que pretendem medir o consumo sustentável das famílias, sendo que das mais mediáticas está a pegada ecologica. Este aumento reflete um reconhecimento das preocupações ambientais que, no entanto, ainda não tem sido objeto de pesquisa no que respeita a Portugal e às famílias portuguesas. Procurase contribuir para o estudo dos atuais conhecimentos relativos aos comportamentos das famílias em termos de hábitos de consumo, e até que ponto são esses hábitos sustentáveis. Para medir o comportamento sustentável das famílias, o estudo foca um conjunto de critérios estabelecidos, e conclui que o consumo sustentável das famílias estudadas não é de todo sustentável. O que implicitamente leva ao reconhecimento de uma incongruência na relação entre o marketing verde e o atual consumo das famílias, que deveria ser preocupante para as empresas e governos. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo investigar de que forma as famílias agem e se comportam nos seus hábitos de consumo e nas suas opções domésticas, levando à percepção das áreas onde há mais trabalho para que se possa perceber quais os comportamentos em que as famílias revelam haver uma preocupação sustentável. Pretendese ainda identificaras fontes de informação que fomentam as decisões das familias relativamente a questões de sustentabilidade ambiental. »



A Conceptualisation of Alternative Forms of Tourism in Relation to Community Development

GIAMPICCOLI, Andrea ; SAAYMAN, Melville - Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014/12, vol.5, n°27, 11 p. - Site de

Abstract : "Tourism development is promoted as a tool for poverty alleviation and community development. Global and local tourism remain within the current hegemonic neoliberal milieu. Different forms (terminologies) of alternative tourism development approaches have been proposed ; however, their positioning in relation to neoliberal mainstream tourism has been questioned. The paper aims to compare different forms of alternative tourism development in relation to neoliberalism and community development, specifically by contrasting community-based tourism (CBT) with ecotourism (ET), responsible tourism (RT), pro-poor tourism (PPT) and fair trade tourism (FTT). The paper argues that while CBT’s origin, as well as its development, is to promote a break with neoliberalism and facilitate holistic community development, its actual meaning and operations have been re-shaped and co-opted by neoliberalism. On the other side, the origin and development of ET, RT, PPT and FTT have been in accordance with a neoliberal approach to tourism development ; therefore, they are not meant to change the modus operandi of the tourism sector. It is argued that the original conceptualisation and practices of CBT should be the proper strategies to facilitate holistic community development and restructure the tourism industry in a more just and equitable manner. For ET, RT, PPT and FTT to practice what they have proposed to do, it is suggested that they should be integrated within CBT’s original approach".