Structure and performance of Ethiopia’s coffee export sector
Ethiopan Development Research Institute ; International Food Policy Research Institute, Ethiopia Strategy Support Program, Working Paper, 2014/06, n°66, 33 p. - Site de
Abstract : « We study the structure and performance of the coffee export sector in Ethiopia, Africa’s most important coffee producer, over the period 2003 to 2013. We find an evolving policy environment leading to structural changes in the export sector, including an elimination of vertical integration for most exporters. Ethiopia’s coffee export earnings improved dramatically over this period, i.e. a four-fold real increase. This has mostly been due to increases in international market prices. Quality improved only slightly over time, but the quantity exported increased by 50 percent, seemingly explained by increased domestic supplies as well as reduced local consumption. To further improve export performance, investments to increase the quantities produced and to improve quality are needed, including an increase in washing, certification, and traceability, as these characteristics are shown to be associated with significant quality premiums in international markets. »
The Relation between Fair Trade and Supermarkets : Spatial implications for the global economy
MIONEL, Viorel ; MIONEL, Oana ; MORARU, Alexandra - Knowledge Horizons-Economics (Université de Bucarest), 2014, vol.6, n°2, pp. 109-113, 5 p. - Site de
Abstract : « Even if its importance present increases, selling fair trade products has consisted, for a long time, in handmade crafts and a narrow set of food items. Fair trade, this alternative approach to commercial partnerships, focuses on sustainable development of marginalized and disadvantaged producers. Given the current global economic context and new trends in the production, distribution and consumption behavior, this study critically examines the spatial relationships between fair trade and supermarkets . The results of our analysis show that few consumers fully understand the importance of fair trade, despite the current global dimensions of this type of trade and the penetration of certified products on supermarket shelves. Also, our observations of the phenomenon lead us to believe that the geographical and economic aspects of fair trade portray best North-South economic disparities. »
Commerce équitable et éthique : Pour une défense des filières labellisées
BALLET, Jérome ; CARIMENTRAND, Aurélie - Mondes en Développement, 2014/04, vol.42-2014/4, n°168, 7 p. - Site de
Résumé : « Au sein du commerce équitable, les filières labellisées sont souvent opposées aux filières spécialisées. Depuis quelques années, les premières sont l’objet de vives critiques. En nous appuyant sur un ensemble de critères éthiques, nous défendons l’idée que ces critiques sont un peu abruptes. Elles oublient l’originalité des filières labellisées. Surtout elles sont forgées sur une comparaison avec les filières spécialisées alors que ces deux types de filières visent des objectifs très différents. »
Mainstreaming fair trade : the role of retailers
Sustainability : Science, Practice & Policy, 2014, vol. 10, n°2, 10 p. - Site de
Abstract : « In just two decades, fair trade has evolved from a niche market supplying products for a small group of dedicated consumers to a well-established market in several European countries, including the Netherlands. This transition has led to important changes in the dynamics in the fair trade supply chain and the role of different participating actors. The success of this provisioning model depends upon producers and consumers as well as on the engagement of retailers, but to date researchers have not actively investigated their role. This article helps fill this gap by applying a social practices perspective to analyze the role of retailers in the fair - trade supply chain in the Netherlands. Our empirical research shows that Dutch retailers may apply different strategies when selling fairtrade products, but also that many of them are interested in supplying these goods for reasons other than economic advantage . The main challenge that retailers face is how to balance actively promoting fair – trade products to consumers and presenting their outlet as unique by selling such items in a consumer silent manner and contributing to a broader transition to ward sustainable production and consumption. »
Institutionnalisation du développement durable et émergence d’un marketing durable
BEJI BECHEUR, Amina ; ÖZÇAGLAR-TOULOUSE, Nil – Recherche et Applications en Marketing, 2014/06, vol.29, n°3, 8 p. - Site de
« Selon les auteurs, le lien entre marketing et développement durable prend deux voies. La première consiste à le considérer comme une donnée, un critère, une norme à intégrer dans les techniques marketing des entreprises dans un processus de rationalisation et dont il faut étudier les effets sur les consommateurs. La seconde est d’envisager le développement durable comme une construction sociale, politique, économique et culturelle en cours, à laquelle les actions marketing participent tout comme les réactions des consommateurs. »
POUSA, Claudio ; NUNEZ, Juan Francisco – Journal of Management and Sustainability (Canadian Center of Science and Education), 2014, vol.4, n°2, 11 p. - Site de
Abstract : « Fair trade (FT) is a widely recognized and accepted model of exchange for goods and services, which has matured over several decades of evolution. Although Fair Trade products are increasingly important in many markets, research has neither provided a comprehensive framework to analyze this evolution nor provided a rationale that explains why this evolution took place. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we aim at integrating the different eras in the evolution of FT into a comprehensive framework that can facilitate the comparison between studies. Second, we aim at explaining this evolution from the perspective of the individual consumer using the Theory of Consumption Values (TCV). We propose that, as the organizational and marketing strategies evolved for FT products, a corresponding evolution at the consumer level took place. This evolution refers to the individual beliefs of the customer who is seeking and perceiving a set of values on FT products. The paper presents an innovative perspective, as well as implications for theory and practice. »
Cadernos de Agroecologia, 2013, vol. 8, n°2, 5 p. - Site de
Resumo : « La circulación de los productos agroecológicos requiere de circuitos con actores que compartan principios éticos que permitan la generación de reales alternativas de intercambio comercial solidario. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el nivel de ajuste de los principios del comercio justo en una tienda especializada perteneciente a una Organización de Comercio Justo presente en Chile e identificar el comportamiento del consumidor respecto de las prácticas de comercio justo en dicha tienda. La investigación se centró en el modelo de enfoque dominante, prevaleciendo el cualitativo. Tiene un alcance exploratorio bajo un muestreo no probabilístico, centrado en un caso en particular. Mediante la observación categorial se utilizó una adaptación de la Guía para evaluación de Organizaciones de Comercio Justo y una adaptación de la escala SERVQUAL, para la consecución de los objetivos. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva, a través de una combinación de los programas SPSS y Excel. Los resultados indican bajos niveles de ajustes a los principios éticos del comercio justo y bajos niveles de satisfacción y compromiso en los actores de la cadena de comercialización estudiada. »
GOTTLIEB, Mikkel – Roskilde University (Denmark), Social Entrepreneurship and Management, Department Psychology and Education, 2014/04, 48 p. - Site de
Abstract : « Over the past decade Fair Trade (FT) has been praised as the miracle-cure to poverty globally, by securing a better deal for marginalised farmers and creating community development, while respecting the environment. In that sense, FT can seem to be in the scope of social entrepreneurship (SE) by addressing societal issues by means of creating social, economic and environmental value. Although in recent years FT has been subject for several critiques based upon inadequate improvements in the local communities. This research report is therefore inspired by the complexity of FT as a social entrepreneurial tool for development and poverty reduction. By a conducted field study in Uganda, the focus of this research report is on the social entrepreneurial elements or the lack of these in the NGO ; RISE’s FT activities and FT in general. By exploring social entrepreneurial concepts and indicators a social entrepreneurial framework (SEF) will be developed in order to investigate if FT is complementing or contradicting SE. This is done by interpreting the collected empirical data from the field study of RISE to the SEF. On a theoretical level it seems like the organisational culture of RISE and its FT activities are fitting within the SEF and can thus be viewed as complementing social entrepreneurship. Although in practical reality several lack of SE elements are identified which illustrates that RISE seems to be more like a traditional enterprise, with a single economic profit-oriented view on FT. In conclusion, FT in general is considered as contradicting SE, based upon its nature as a Western one-size fits all model. In order to address this, the research report stresses the importance of the development of a participatory africanisation strategy of FT. Thus, the report indicates that it is vital for RISE to africanise their FT activities, in order to create social, environmental and economic capital in the local communities of Mayuge. »
Organic chocolate for the Swiss market : Contract farming in the cocoa sector in Honduras
FROMM, Ingrid – Swiss College of Agriculture, Bern University of Applied Sciences - 2013, chap. 7, pp. 129-143, 15 p. - Site de
"The cocoa sector in Honduras is beginning to thrive again, after being badly affected by natural disasters, falling prices in the international market and the spread of plant diseases. The cocoa bean, that was once sacred to the Mayan civilization and has its origin in Honduras and the Mesoamerican region, can again be grown under conditions favourable to the producers and the environment in which it is cultivated. It would be simplistic to attribute the growth of this sector to the influence of a Swiss company sourcing from Honduras and establishing contracts with farmers. CF and the establishment of agreements between the cocoa producers and Chocolats Halba have played a significant role, yet essentially it is the market that is the real pull in this CF example. However, this has not been the only factor responsible for the revitalization of the cocoa sector. Rather, it has been the work of numerous organizations, both local and international, from both the public and private sector, that have worked together to support producers and the Honduran cocoa sector in particular."