The Implicit Price for Fair Trade Coffee : Does Social Capital Matter ?

Titre The Implicit Price for Fair Trade Coffee : Does Social Capital Matter ?
Titre traduit Prix implicite du café équitable : Incidence du capital social ?
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Auteur BOSBACH, Moritz ; MAIETTA, Ornella
Date 2008/02
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 33 p.
Notes Université de Naples (Italie), CSEF (Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance) - Working Paper n°492
Résumé Abstract : "This study aims to ascertain whether the implicit price paid for Fair Trade coffee in regular supermarkets is influenced by the stock of social capital in the territory where consumers live. A hedonic regression set-up is adopted, based on Italian scanner data taken at NUTS3 level. Regressors include attributes described on the label, which contain separate certifications for Fair Trade and organic/eco-label status, plus various indicators of social capital and their interactions with the Fair Trade and organic/eco-label attributes. The consumers’ implicit price paid for the Fair Trade attribute is significantly and positively affected by a social capital proxy, which is the percentage of co-op members over total employment."

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