How much Information is Enough ? How different amounts of product information regarding products’ sustainability influence consumers’ purchase intention in online shops

Titre How much Information is Enough ? How different amounts of product information regarding products’ sustainability influence consumers’ purchase intention in online shops
Titre traduit Combien faut-il d'informations ? Quelle quantité d'informations produits sur la durabilité influence-t-elle l'intention d'achat des consommateurs sur les boutiques en ligne ?
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Auteur RIETMANN, Alina
Date 2015
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 77 p.
Notes University of Twente (Netherlands), Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Communication Studies, Master Thesis
Résumé Abstract : «The results of this study show significant conclusions with regard to the positive effect of trust on purchase intention as well as a positive effect of product information quality on trust. Moreover, an interaction of written information and eco-labels leads to improved trust in comparison to separate influence factors, whereas credibility was identified as covariate of the relationship between eco-labels and trust. No conclusions can be made about different types of eco-labels, because the manipulation checks only succeeded partially, although they were successfully tested in a pretest.»

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