Sustainability in the Beverage Industry : A Research Agenda from the Demand Side

Titre Sustainability in the Beverage Industry : A Research Agenda from the Demand Side
Titre traduit Soutenabilité de l'industrie de la boisson : agenda de recherche du côté de la demande
Lien hypertexte Site de
Titre du périodique Sustainability
Date 2021
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 10 p.
Résumé Abstract: "Sustainability has become one of the most important challenges for the beverage industryover the last few decades. In fact, many producers have implemented environmental, social, or eco-nomic aspects of sustainability at several stages of their production process. One of the reasons thatmight explain this interest in sustainability is that consumers are changing their behavior to integrate sustainable and environmental considerations into their purchase behavior. Accordingly, some consumers’ purchasing decisions are based not only on how well products satisfy their needs but alsoon how these products affect the environment or society at large. Within this context, designing appropriate interventions to fostering sustainable consumption requires deeper knowledge aboutits underlying determinants. In this paper, we focus on some of the most important challenges thatmight drive future research within this area."

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