Desafios do empreendedorismo no âmbito da moda

Titre Desafios do empreendedorismo no âmbito da moda
Titre traduit Défis entrepreneuriaux dans le secteur de la mode
Lien hypertexte Site de
Date 2020
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 22 p.
Notes Instituto Federal Santa Catarina (IFSC), Brésil
Résumé Abstract: "The present work aims to discuss relevant points of the main difficulties that entrepreneurs have when starting a business in the fashion area, as well as, in which aspects they feel greater obstacles in which they got it wrong or right, the positive and negative points of undertaking in the fashion. As specific objectives, we sought to raise the difficulties that students and professionals in the fashion area believe they have when starting their business. Afterwards, we sought to analyze, through bibliographic research, fair trade practices and the way brands think when creating their fashion collections. And, finally, a case study was carried out in the company Meraki Sustentável, in order to list which were the biggest obstacles that the entrepreneur and author of this work suffered n the beginning of the entrepreneurship process, thus making a comparison between the bibliographic data found in relation to the difficulties of undertaking in the fashion area. For this work to happen a qualitative and basic research was done, with an exploratory character. Used as a method the case study with the brand Meraki Sustentável. The difficulties that the entrepreneur encountered when undertaking were reported. The application of an online questionnaire for the production of primary data and secondary data were obtained through bibliographic research, in articles and qualified journals. The case study and the answers to the online questionnaire were related and compared to the bibliographic data found. The results obtained with this study indicate that there is no formula to follow when undertaking fashion. There are paths that make each brand unique and authentic. In addition, research has shown that it is possible to work with good fair trade practices without losing the essence of a business".

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