Economia e ecologia de açaí (Euterpe precatoria) em comunidades ribeirinhas na Amazônia Central

Titre Economia e ecologia de açaí (Euterpe precatoria) em comunidades ribeirinhas na Amazônia Central
Titre traduit Économie et écologie de l'açai (Euterpe precatoria) dans les communautés riveraines de l'Amazonie centrale
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Auteur BRUM, Heloisa Dantas
Date 2019/07
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 157 p.
Notes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal - Economia e ecologia de açaí (Euterpe precatoria) em comunidades ribeirinhas na Amazônia Central - Doutorato em ecologia
Résumé Abstract: "The historical interdependence between human populations and the traditional use of biodiversity and ecosystems shaped the Amazon as one of the most rich and complex social-ecological systems. Amazon forest still facing a huge set of threats through deforestation to cattle ranching, soy production and road paving, besides the several damages on short and long-term of dams’ construction and over-exploration of natural resources. All these threats have a global impact, as in numerous studies already show the key role of the largest world tropical forest for climate regulating. Protected areas are one of the most efficient way to protect biodiversity but the simple creation is not a guarantee of their effectiveness. Conservation is dependent on the integration of ecological and social aspects of stakeholders responsible for use and protection of biodiversity. Non-timber forest resources are an important cultural component of traditional people and can represent a significative source of household income. Specifically, the palm tree açai (Euterpe precatoria, Arecaceae) is the most iconic Amazon plant species with a huge cultural value in Central and Westerns Amazon till Central America. Recently, it is gaining attention of national and international markets because of its nutritious and energetic contents and antioxidant properties. This study was developed to provide information on social and ecological aspects of the use and commercialization of natural resources in riverine communities in Central Amazon, and specifically on açaí palm tree (Euterpe precatoria) in different habitats. In the first chapter, through the analysis of aspects of social and economic vulnerability in riverine communities, we were able to identified two distinct groups of respondents, one more disadvantaged and socially vulnerable than the other. Vulnerability is triggered by sociodemographic features and also by economic aspects such as the number of extractive activities developed and the income generated from some specific activities, like Brazilnut and Açai harvesting. The second chapter described the açaí supply chain, evaluating connections and key elements through different metrics, in order to identify possible social and economic bottlenecks for açai harvesting and commercialization. In the third chapter, we described life stages ofE. precatoria and evaluated that the height:diameter relationship changed along the ontogenetic development and there was a marked habitat dependency in both the density and population size distribution, with populations in upland forests dominated by juveniles while populations in the floodplains were dominated by reproductive palms. Nearness of human settlements was not related to population structure parameters.We intend this study to be the first step to provide ecological knowledge and support for social organization to assist locals in a larger participation along the supply chain and management decisions, aiming to achieve the goals of the Sustainable Development Reserve."

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