Understanding preferences of German flower consumers : the desire for sustained beauty

Titre Understanding preferences of German flower consumers : the desire for sustained beauty
Titre traduit Comprendre les préférences des acheteurs allemands de fleurs : Une envie de beauté durable
Lien hypertexte Site de emeraldinsight.com
Titre du périodique International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
Date 2018/04
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 18 p.
Résumé Abstract: "The best-worst analysis showed that intrinsic flower attributes, in particular appearance, freshness and scent were found to be more important to German consumers than the extrinsic attributes studied, namely, price, country of origin and a certification indicating fair trade. The latent class analysis determined four consumer segments that desire either budget, luxury or ethical flowers or more information about flowers. For all identified consumer segments, appearance was the attribute of greatest importance. The segments that desired luxury or ethical flowers, as well as the segment that desires more information were interested in appearance, but also had relatively large shares of preferences dedicated to flower freshness guarantees. The preference for freshness guarantees in addition to appearance may be interpreted jointly as a desire for not only beautiful and aesthetically pleasing flowers, but for sustained beauty."

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