Navigating the Land Between Religions : New Perspectives on the Fair Trade and Food Sovereignty Movement Strategies to Challenge International Trade Governance

Titre Navigating the Land Between Religions : New Perspectives on the Fair Trade and Food Sovereignty Movement Strategies to Challenge International Trade Governance
Titre traduit Navigation au cœur des religions : Nouvelles perspectives des stratégies de commerce équitable et du mouvement de souveraineté alimentaire face à la gouvernance du commerce international et
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Auteur BURNETT, Kimberly
Date 2017
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 209 p.
Notes University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada), Doctor of Philosophy in Global Governance - Thèse de doctorat
Résumé Abstract : "The fair trade and food sovereignty movements adopt very different strategies for challenging the existing international agricultural trade regime. Food sovereignty contests and resists the existing system, employing contentious politics and an “outside strategy” motivated by the view that the regime cannot be reformed. Meanwhile, fair trade largely focuses on existing opportunities within the system, taking up a collaborative, “inside strategy” in an effort to progress towards an equitable and just trade system. These movements have notable differences in their views on how to change how trade is governed. This research seeks to explain and understand why these two different movements take up different strategies in pursuit of a common goal. To understand and explain these two strategies, I analyze their strategies and activities, and the factors that explain these, through an interdisciplinary analytical framework that bridges the theory and practice of governance and change. My findings and analysis demonstrate that when we analyze these movements through such a lens, we see more clearly the complexities of governing international trade and challenging neoliberal hegemony, and how the seemingly divergent strategies of these movements are complementary to achieving economic justice."

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