Travaux universitaires - Octobre 2021

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Les stratégies de communication de recrutement bénévole mises en place par des associations à vocation d’économie circulaire, sociale et solidaire : de la marque employeur à la marque associative

SELVAY, Enora - Université de Louvain, Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication, Master en communication, à finalité spécialisée : médias et stratégies numériques, 2021, 99 p. - Site

Résumé : « A l’heure où le monde est à la recherche de solutions durables pour contrer le réchauffement climatique, les associations à vocation d’économie circulaire, sociale et solidaire représentent une alternative idéale à l’économie actuelle. Toutefois, elles subissent beaucoup de changements dans leurs pratiques et besoins et manquent de bénévoles. Dans le cadre de ce présent mémoire, nous avons mené une étude sur les stratégies de communication mises en œuvre par le secteur associatif pour répondre aux enjeux liés à sa marque employeur afin de recruter des bénévoles. Pour cette recherche qualitative et inductive, nous avons combiné plus d’une année de participation observante dans deux associations à vocation d’économie circulaire, sociale et solidaire au Québec et en Wallonie et vingt-deux entretiens semi-directifs. L’analyse se compose en six temps. D’abord, la présentation contextuelle des deux associations étudiées. Ensuite, la présentation des stratégies de communications appliquées par les deux associations pour se faire connaître, attirer, choisir les meilleurs, intégrer et fidéliser et, enfin, gérer les départs et la rotation de personnel (turnover) : les cinq enjeux de la marque employeur selon Cazottes (2019). »


Evaluación del comportamiento de la competencia de marketing para el comercio justo en los pescadores artesanales de la caleta Las Gilces en Portoviejo, Ecuador

CEDENO MARCILLO, Gladys Mirella ; MOREIRA GARGIA, María Cecilia – Luz, Educar desde la Cienca, vol.20, n°4, 2021/10, pp. 23-36 - Site

Resumen : “El presente artículo realiza una evaluación del comportamiento de la formación de la competencia de marketing para el comercio justo que deben demostrar los pescadores artesanales de la comuna Las Gilces de la parroquia Crucita en Portoviejo, Ecuador. Sistematiza la competencia según su estructura formativa y analiza su comportamiento según sus niveles de desarrollo formativo desde los saberes que aplican los pescadores durante su actividad laboral pescaría. Constituye un resultado científico derivado un proyecto de investigación. Se fundamenta en los criterios del comercio justo y sobre la competencia profesional. Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa de tipo pre-experimental con el empleo de los métodos de análisis, síntesis, revisión de documentos, la observación directa en el terreno y la prueba de hipótesis chi-cuadrado a un 95,0% de confianza. Se concluye el estudio planteando que se aprecian cambios e impactos favorables en la actividad pesquera asociada al comercio justo y en la calidad de vida de los pobladores de la parroquia, como resultado de las mejoras logradas en los desempeños para el marketing relacionado con los servicios del comercio justo.”


An Exploratory Analysis of the Fairtrade Certified Producer Organisations

RUGGERI, Giordano, CORSI, Stefano - MDPI World, 2021/10, n°4, vol.2, 13 p. - Site de

Abstract : "The main objective of this research was to provide an exploratory analysis of the Fairtrade (FT) producer organisations’ network, focusing mainly on the revenues that certified organisations derive from their participation in Fairtrade. Using descriptive statistics and regression techniques, we analysed the Fairtrade affiliated organisations from the comprehensive dataset on worldwide Fairtrade certified producers. The database comprises 1.016 producer organisations and plantations, distributed in 65 developing countries during 2015, including all products and countries. We identified some features of farmer organisations that affect the creation of revenues, and we investigated the fraction of revenues that producer organizations derive from FT compared to their overall revenues. The results highlight the different approaches to FT by the certified organisations and do not reveal any dominance in terms of revenues by any type of producer organisations or by organisations involved in FT for the longest time. This research contributes to deepening the knowledge about FT operations and provide useful information to the debate on the role of FT in developing profitable value chains for producer organisations in developing countries."


The impact of the Fairmined Certification on the well-being of small-scale miners : Evidence from Colombia and Peru

Science Direct, 2021/10, 11 p. - Site de

Abstract : "In this study, we estimate the impact of the Fairmined certification scheme on the well-being of participating artisanal and small-scale gold miners in Colombia and Peru. First, we collected information through phone surveys of certified and non-certified miners. Second, we constructed a well-being index that covers multiple dimensions of well-being, including material and subjective measures. Third, through linear regression techniques and propensity score matching, we compared certified miners (treatment group) to non-certified ones (control group). The results indicate that, on average, Fairmined certified miners enjoy higher well-being scores than those who do not belong to a certified mining organization."


Gestión empresarial de Asociaciones de banano orgánico del Valle del Chira, Sullana-Perú

Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2021, vol. 27, n°3, 12 p. - Site de

Resumen : « El propósito del presente artículo fue analizar los procesos de gestión empresarial que desarrollan tres asociaciones de pequeños productores de banano orgánico del valle del Chira, Sullana-Perú. Por la naturaleza de las variables, fue un estudio basado en el enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo. La muestra seleccionada estuvo compuesta por las tres asociaciones, y las técnicas utilizadas fueron la entrevista, revisión documental y focus group. Entre los resultados se tienen, que existe un alto nivel de manejo de herramientas de gestión, al menos las básicas, como plan estratégico, plan operativo anual, presupuestos, flujo de caja y sistema de costos. Sólo en el caso, de la Asociación de Pequeños Productores Orgánicos de Querecotillo, el nivel es medio, puesto que no existe flujo de caja ni un sistema de costos apropiado. Asimismo, se evidencia un creciente desarrollo de instrumentos de gestión, como reglamentos de trabajo, manuales de organización y funciones, resaltando que el proceso de instrumentalización en estas tres organizaciones está en progreso continuo. Se concluye, que existen niveles diferenciados de desarrollo de la gestión empresarial entre las tres asociaciones, siendo la Asociación de Pequeños Productores de Banano Orgánico Samán y Anexos, la de mayor nivelde desarrollo. »


Ethical Consumerism and its Effect on Purchase Decision : Evidence from Fashion Industry of Pakistan

HUSSAIN, Asad, DAR, Faizan - Journal of Marketing Strategies, 2021/10, vol.3, n°3, 21 p. - Site de

Abstract : “In recent years, customer’s growing awareness of ethical consumption has become increasingly important for the business environment and one’s lifestyle. Although it is observed that consumers are influenced by their ethical concerns, ethical consumptions still lack from a consumer perspective. The theoretical framework of the paper portrays the multifaceted and complex ratio of the concepts of ethical consumption and the complexities that exist in the relationship between purchase influence and consumption in general. The study took a quantitative approach to find out how consumer purchase decision is affected by four antecedents namely, Ethical Knowledge, Environmental Concern, Personal Values, and Price Factor. Data was collected through a self-developed questionnaire and distributed among 200 respondents in Karachi, Pakistan. Multiple regression was applied through SPSS in the data. The results of the study show that all other variables show a significant effect on purchase decision except Ethical Knowledge. Therefore, it implies consumers are uncertain about which products and firms follow ethical rules and which do not. This study has theoretical and practical contributions in the fashion industry context. This research might encourage fashion brands to willfully take on green exercises and give strategic guidelines to advertisers and retailers about their sustainable retail practices.”


Dynamics of Coffee Certifications in Producer Countries : Re-Examining the Tanzanian Status, Challenges and Impacts on Livelihoods and Environmental Conservation

MDPI Agriculture, 2021/09, vol.11, n°10, 18 p. - Site de

Abstract : “Certification is increasingly becoming necessary for accessing coffee export markets and practicing environmental conservation, especially at this time when many of the farmers in developing countries strive to achieve agricultural transformation. Using data from 400 randomly selected coffee farmers in Tanzania, the study determined the status, constraints, key drivers, and impact of coffee certifications. Descriptive statistics and the endogenous switching regression (ESR) model were used for data analysis. Results indicated that the level of coffee certification is low, being constrained by unawareness and inaccessibility, the prevalence of coffee diseases, failure in realizing price advantages, and certification not being cost effective. Economies of scale, experience, and participation in collective actions are significant factors affecting coffee farmers’ decision to join certification schemes. Additionally, the study rejects the hypothesis of certification to improve household income. However, certification improved awareness and practices of environmental conservation among coffee farmers. It is thus important to embark on awareness creation and make certification services accessible and cost effective to coffee farmers for increased access to niche export markets. Easing transmission of price premiums to coffee farmers will also increase the supply of sustainably grown coffee, improve coffee farmers’ livelihood, and help in the attainment of environmental sustainability goals within the coffee supply chain.”


A Study on Factors Affecting the Purchase of Handmade Products of Premium Prices Imported through Fair Trade

Journal of Distribution Science, 2021/10, 11 p. - Site de

Abstract : "This study explored factors affecting the purchase of fair trade hand-made products. We focused on the difference between the mediating effect of purchase intention and purchase purpose, and verified the additional effectiveness of premium prices. Research design, data and methodology : The data was collected through an online survey. The reliability and validity of each variable used in the questionnaire were verified. Then, each hypothesis was analyzed through multiple regression analysis. Results : First, individual social responsibility and purchasing experience of general fair trade products have a definitive effect on the intention of purchasing fair trade hand-made products. Second, the willingness to pay premium prices varies depending on whether it is an individual’s consumption or consumption for others. Third, the higher the individual’s social responsibility and experience in purchasing fair trade products, the more willing he is to pay premium prices. Fourth, the purchase intention of fair trade hand-made products is to have the effect of partial mediation. Fifth, when choosing a gift for an adult, it was determined that the consumer was willing to pay premium prices the highest amount. Conclusions : In terms of factors affecting the purchase of fair trade hand-made products at premium prices, it was confirmed that individuals’ social responsibilities and purchases of fair trade general products had an impact.”


Analysis of banana and cocoa export commodities in food system transformation, with special reference to certification schemes as drivers of change

Food System Transformations for Healthier Diets, Inclusive Livelihoods and Sustainable Environment, 2021/08, 21 p. - Site de,

Abstract : “Food systems analysis is increasingly being applied to understand relations between production, distribution, and consumption of food products, the drivers that influence the system, and the outcomes that show how well the food system performs on health and nutrition, on environmental sustainability, and on income and inclusiveness. Little attention has gone to the position of global export commodities, where production and consumption are far apart. Banana in Costa Rica and cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire were the subject of this study to find out what major drivers determine the functioning of these systems. Next to identifying drivers such as population growth and increased plant disease pressure, it was found that the typical far-away setting and different living conditions between producer and consumer countries required a special eye on governance as a tripartite arena (government, private sector, civil society) with their power relations, and on certification schemes as a driver that follows from corporate social responsibility. The certification schemes addressed cover all food system outcomes, although health and nutrition in a less conspicuous way. The descriptions of the functioning of the schemes were also linked to living wages and incomes for banana plantation workers in Costa Rica and cocoa smallholder farmers in Côte d’Ivoire. Although very meaningful, certification schemes so far do not prove to be a silver bullet, but they do have the potential, in combination with other measures, to help positive food system transformations.”