Household food security of Ghanaian cocoa producers : the impact of UTZ-certification

Titre Household food security of Ghanaian cocoa producers : the impact of UTZ-certification
Titre traduit Sécurité alimentaire des cacaoculteurs ghanéens : Impact de la certification UTZ
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Auteur SCHOUTEN, Eva
Date 2016
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 64 p.
Notes Universteit Utrecht, International Development Studies - Master Thesis
Résumé Abstract: "This study focuses on food issues of cocoa farmers, as food security is one of the most important indicators for understanding overall socio-economic conditions of people and stunting and child mortality rates are proven to be high among producers. Food security within certification schemes is often seen as the outcome of increased income, though this study proves that both synergies and trade-offs exist when zooming in on the ways in which a farmer obtains food for the household."

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