Fair Trade Institutionalization : Disembedding a Social Movement

Titre Fair Trade Institutionalization : Disembedding a Social Movement
Titre traduit Institutionnalisation du commerce équitable : libérer un mouvement social
Lien hypertexte Site de academia.edu
Auteur CHADI, Inès
Date 2012/08
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 147 p.
Notes UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) Belgique, École des Sciences Politiques et Sociales, Master in Political Sciences, International Relations
Résumé «This Master Degree thesis discusses the development of the fair trade movement from having been a politically rooted social movement to becoming institutionalized and conforming to present homogenizing trade structures. Using Karl Polanyi’s Double Movement theory I argue that the fair trade movement has developed from being an embedded counter movement to neoliberal policies, into a disembedded trade structure, similar to the one it was trying to fight. I illuminate the complexity of the fair trade movement’s institutionalization with support of findings from my field study at the Mexican coffee cooperative Comon Yaj Nop Tic. Concluding that through standardized fair trade certifications and the incorporation of multinational corporations into the fair trade system, it has created a split of the movement into two parallel fair trade movements : one embedded and one disembedded.»

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