Are labels delivering what they intend ? Explicit value of fair-trade labels versus implicit value of fair trade characteristics

Titre Are labels delivering what they intend ? Explicit value of fair-trade labels versus implicit value of fair trade characteristics
Titre traduit Les labels sont-ils à la hauteur de leurs prétentions ? Valeur explicite des labels de commerce équitable vs valeur implicite des caractéristiques de commerce équitable
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Auteur VLAEMINCK, Pieter ; VANDOREN, Jana ; VRANKEN, Liesbet
Date 2014
Pagination ou Durée d'écoute 15 p.
Notes KU Leuven (Belgique), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Division of Bio-economics, Geo-Institute – Papier préparatoire pour le congrès de l’EAAE, août 2014
Résumé Résumé : "While consumers are increasingly interested in the ethical characteristics of food products, market shares of these products remains low. So far, not much research has been directed towards the efficacy of labels. Using incentive compatible stated choice experiments in a natural consumer environment, we show that dispersion exists between the explicit value of a fair trade label and the implicit values attached to the underlying characteristics of the label. Our findings thus imply that linking the fair trade label closer with peoples’ values provides opportunities to expand the fair trade market."

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